Today’s Specials
Note: For corporate events or services not listed here, please call 619-315-8580 for custom pricing!
Birthday Packages
Magic Package #1
Dooney may not be requested for these
Saves you $70!
$375 for 1.5 hours
This package includes a 1/2 hour Magic Show (magic, juggling, comedy, and more) plus…1 hour of our Airbrush Face Painting & Zany Balloon Sculptures.
Magic Package #2
Dooney may not be requested for these
Saves you $80!
$450 for 2 hours
This package includes a 1/2 hour Magic Show (magic, juggling, comedy, and more) plus…1.5 hours of our Airbrush Face Painting & Zany Balloon Sculptures.
Other Specials
Zany Family-Fun Game Show
$600 (saves you $150)
This show is designed for smaller groups of 50 or less
This 45 minute show includes a great deal of audience participation, laughter, minute-to-win-it games, stunts, quiz questions, and fabulous prizes. (Price includes $100 for prizes)
Bring the fun of a television game show to your next event.
Body Art/Tattoo Special
$450 (saves you $75)
One artist, 2 hours, designed for groups of 50 or less)
This package will bring our amazing airbrushed body art/tattoos to your party, event, or celebration. Your artist will be able to paint between 35-50 guests with surprising and fun designs, and they will all have fun showing off their new “ink”.
Birthday Party Game Fun
Dooney Request – $350 for the first hour
Face Painting, Balloon Sculptures, and Lawn Game. 1 hr total (no magic)
With this package, we’ll be able to paint each child, make balloons for each child, and also involve them in games (water balloon toss, hula hoop contest, tug of war, etc.) 15-20 guests max
Fun, color, and participation for all!
Price is $60 per 1/2 hour after the show.
Multiple hours available for:
Airbrushed Face Painting: 4 or more hours, $140 per hour
Zany Balloon Sculptures: 4 or more hours, $175 per hour
Stilts, Juggling, Magic, etc.: 4 or more hours, $325 per hour