Introducing "DOONEY'S SECRETS" YouTube Channel Take your family entertainment business to new heights and Be the Best Family Entertainer you can be with more skills and business coaching from one of the top children's entertainers in the country. Looney Dooney (a full time family entertainer … [Read more...] about Free Instructional Videos to be the Best Family Entertainer
Dooney’s Ultimate Airbrush Face Painting Equipment is the Best!
The Fastest, Cleanest, Easiest to Learn, and Best Looking Airbrush Face Painting Equipment Available Would you like to add a new service that your clients really “love” and find valuable? Do you want to have something that appeals to all ages: plus adds … [Read more...] about Dooney’s Ultimate Airbrush Face Painting Equipment is the Best!
A Fun, And Easy, Side Hustle That Pays Fantastic $$$
Do you want to? Find a fast, inexpensive, side hustle that pays good money Invest the minimum amount of time with the maximum return Learn Something that is fun as well as lucrative Develope a new skill that will open up many doors for you in the future? Then learn how to make … [Read more...] about A Fun, And Easy, Side Hustle That Pays Fantastic $$$
My Most Powerful Playlist to Learn Zany Balloon Sculptures
Click "Here" for the link to my playlist. I'm working on taking my YouTube channel to a whole new level, and I'm just going to put it all out there. I've trained thousands of balloon artists both personally as well as with my books and videos, but this set of balloon videos basically takes what … [Read more...] about My Most Powerful Playlist to Learn Zany Balloon Sculptures
Even You Can Learn Balloon Animals Easily
These are the basic techniques to start you on the road to making zany balloon fun! Looney Dooney has been a full time family entertainer since 1979, and he's made over 1.5 million balloons in his career. He's also trained hundreds of other professional entertainers in how to make … [Read more...] about Even You Can Learn Balloon Animals Easily
Joy Filled Games and Activities with Those Amazing Balloons
This is participation entertainment at is best, with zany balloons! Expand your skills and treat your audiences to more fun, more color, more laughter, and great pictures. These are tried and true activities for audiences of all ages. If you want to learn how to make … [Read more...] about Joy Filled Games and Activities with Those Amazing Balloons
Quick Balloon Toys for Creating Joy at Family Celebrations
I have recently created a new set of video's for balloon sculptures that focus on making fast balloon-toys, rather than complicated sculptures. It seems that the balloon industry is pushing for more and more complicated sculptures, that by the way look amazing, but take way to long to make--and … [Read more...] about Quick Balloon Toys for Creating Joy at Family Celebrations
This Amazing Service Will Increase Your Bottom Line
Do you want to? Find a fast, inexpensive, side hustle that pays good money Invest the minimum amount of time with the maximum return Learn Something that is fun as well as lucrative Develope a new skill that will open up many doors for you in the future? Then learn how to make … [Read more...] about This Amazing Service Will Increase Your Bottom Line
Drive-In Bingo is an Amazing-Yet Safely Distanced Event
Drive-In Bingo: one of the safest & most enjoyable events available today! Perfect for Churches, Schools, Shopping Centers, Family Reunions, Birthdays: you name it! Dune Johnson (Looney Dooney) is not only a magician, juggler, balloon man, airbrush face painter, and stilt walker; he is also … [Read more...] about Drive-In Bingo is an Amazing-Yet Safely Distanced Event
10 Tips for the Best Online Birthday Parties for Ages – Actually All Ages!
10 Tips for the Most Successful Online Birthday Parties By Dune Johnson (aka Looney Dooney) I have been a full-time family entertainer since 1980, and has performed hundreds of live online birthday parties. Personalize things to help celebrate the guest of honor. Become a Zoom Wizard, … [Read more...] about 10 Tips for the Best Online Birthday Parties for Ages – Actually All Ages!