Game Show Extravaganzas
With or without BINGO
Game Shows Include Stunts, Quiz Questions, Minute-to-Win-it Games, Bingo, and Fabulous Prizes!
Prices are dependent on various factors, such as audience size, prize budget, theme, location, etc.
Game shows might include:
- Quiz Questions
- Zany Stunts
- Aud. Participation
- Races
- Rebus Puzzles
- Bingo
- Minute-to-Win-it
- Events for all ages
- Themes
- Team Building
- All Staging
- Sound System
- Signage
- Decor & Design
- Fabulous Prizes
Game Show Package #1 (1 hour):
With our standard décor and equipment
Shows must include at least $150 in prize budget (but we suggest more, because the better the prizes, the more participation). We provide all staging, sound system, game equipment, and this show is for up to 400 guests.
Bingo-Game Show Package #2 (1.5 hours):
With our standard décor and equipment
Shows must include at least $250 in prize budget (but we suggest more, because the better the prizes, the more participation). We provide all staging, sound system, game equipment, and this show is for up to 400 guests.